Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Natural Resources Defense Counsel

(Picture from www.Globalsolarproject.org)

I would join the Natural Resources Defence Counsel because i believe they fight for a great cause. It is very important for me to fight for our environment problems and try to protect it from destruction. I know that i can't do this alone but i know i can be part of a great cause.

One of my main concerns is global warming. The earth is getting warmer the changes are small, so far, but they are expected to grow and speed up. Within the next 50 to 100 years, the earth will continue to heat up hotter than it has been in the past million years. As oceans warm and glaciers melt, land and cities along coasts may be flooded. Heat and drought may cause forests to die and food crops to fail. Global warming will effect weather everywhere, plants and animals everywhere and people everywhere. Humans are warming the earth's atmosphere by burning fuels, cutting down forests, and by taking part in other activities that release certain heat- trapping gasses into the air. Humans all over the world need to get together and solve these problems and that is why organizations like this one help with said problems.